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What is Icon Island?
Who we are
Advertising and Hot
List entry
Site Credits
Copyright and Legal
Contact us
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Island lets you create your own homepage which you can fill with
free icons representing your favorites or bookmarks. It's like
adding free desktop icons to your PC, but you can access your
Icon Island homepage from any computer, wherever you go.
You can choose either static or animated icons from our icon library.
Watch out for more free icons and free logos as we add them.
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Island is a registered business of Media Horizons Pty Limited,
a media and communications development company based in Sydney,
Australia. The company was founded in 2000 and Icon Island is
our first consumer product.
Our philosophy in creating Icon Island was simple – make the web
easier to use, and people will use it more often. We also wanted
to create a communications environment, free of the usual advertising
We enjoyed creating Icon Island and hope you like using it as
much as we do.
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enquiries about sponsorship, logos and entry into our hot list
please contact us on info@iconisland.com or send
us a fax on +61 2 9907 7907 . Please include details of your company
or organisation, your position and a contact phone and fax number.
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We thank the following for their part in creating Icon Island:
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This site including its programming code is copyright of Media
Horizons Pty Limited, trading as Icon Island. All animated icons
are copyright of Animation Factory and are reproduced under licence.
Other graphical elements are copyright of their owners and reproduced
under licence.
No reproduction of any kind may be made of any copyright material
without the express permission of the owner.
Icon Island and the Icon Island logo are trademarks of Media Horizons
Pty Limited. Any logos of sponsors or third parties within the
site may be trademarks of that party. No trademark may be copied
or used without the express permission of the owner.
Patents are pending internationally over the icon based interface
and the associated functionality which makes up Icon Island. Licence
enquiries may be directed to info@iconisland.com.
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For general feedback about the site please use the feedback link
at the bottom of the page. For advertising, media or investment
enquiries please contact us at info@iconisland.com or by facsimile
on +61 2 9907 7907.
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